What is Puget Sound Chapter of Volvo Sports America? It is a local chapter of Volvo Sports America.
Volvo Sports America was founded in September 1976 by Jon Keebler and David Pollock, both 1800 buffs, in Philadelphia, PA. There are now over 1,200 members from coast to coast, in Canada and around the world.

The club’s purpose is to encourage the ownership, proper operation, maintenance and restoration of all vintage Volvos and to serve as a source of technical information and exchange. As of 2003, VSA has opened its membership to any owner of an out of production model Volvo.
Local chapters throughout the United States and Canada and around the world hold regular meetings, technical sessions, swap meets, and various other events to help members care for their Volvos. National meets are held on an occasional basis on east and west coasts.
The Puget Sound Chapter of Volvo Sports America was started in 1995 with Gary Ramstad as the first Coordinator of the club. He remains in that position today. This is one of the most active chapters in the U.S. with many events throughout the year.
Gary is a Volvo man from way back. He joined the Volvo Club of America back in 1984 and started the new Pacific NW Chapter for Washington, Oregon and Idaho with other directors in 1987. Gary joined Volvo Sports America in 1991 and has been coordinator for the Chapter since 1995. He currently owns three classic Volvos, a 1962 PV544, a 1967 122 and a 1967 1800S which has won two first places and two second places in past west coast VSA meets.
Gary has worked very diligently to make PSVSA a very active and successful chapter. He organized the first VSA car corral for the Pacific Raceways Historic Races that has been an annual event since 1994. Gary also is serving as Vice President of VSA.