The “Northern” Drive

The “Northern” cruise was a smashing success.  We met at the Buzz Inn parking at Harvey Field in Snohomish. There is a coffee hut there and the restaurant is open for those who wants to grab breakfast.

Here the driver is signaling to the photographer…there is a BIG truck coming!
He was right but you do what you have to for a good camera angle.

Mike, Dick, Walt, Ryan, Gary, David, Peggy, Roy, Eric and Rolf were part of the journey. Dale had a previous engagement but stopped by at the start to tell us to drive like we stole ’em.

We steered north from there and within five minutes some folk managed to get separated in an intersection. 

Naturally, we had a discussion on how to proceed, part of democracy!
We collected all the wayward souls in Machias and continued our journey northbound.

Jordan Road heading north to Arlington is a great two lane black top to begin with.

I called the county the day before and told them “The Volvos are coming” and that we wanted nice roads so they paved it for us. Smooth sailing even with 50 year old suspension. Fun Fact: The yellow color used for road stripes is the same as Volvo B18 cooling fans. Honest!

Club Member Peggy and Roy offered her property in Arlington for a lunch spot for us. You have to feed the elderly so they don’t get cranky.

Watch for full feature coming soon on Eric’s most excellent 1967 1800S, “The Designer’s Car”

After intake of protein, carbohydrates and liquid we headed south on Jordan Road but then we went east of Lake Roesiger.

Walt is negotiating a high speed turn in smokey…ahem…Volvo Duett! Stay tuned for full feature on this car as well.

We stopped briefly at the Lake Roesiger store to hand over the lead car duties to Walt and his 1957 Duett.

I really had to push it to keep up with the Duett. Having said that, those LED lights are working well.
“Objects in mirror are loosing”

With Walt’s leadership we drove through unknown roads that has not been traveled for thousands of years! We saw fawns, wild dogs and prehistoric woolly mammoths!

A pack of 1800’s in the wild. If you leave 1800 cells in a petri dish too long they tent to replicate.
“A good day in the country”
Some of the palette offered by Volvo.

We finished strong at the Route 2 Tap Room in Monroe where they offered outdoor seating for a social distance beverage.

Actually,  this trip was historic in many ways including the fact that Walt tried Hummus for the first time. For those who want to know…he liked it.

I thought I would just do the last part home via the freeway but that didn’t feel right. The wagon was redirected via the back roads for a pleasant finish.

“Til Next Time…

Story by Rolf. Photo: Mike, Gary and Rolf.