Keep the Light Burning

The Mukilteo Light Station, is located in the beautiful waterfront community of Mukilteo Washington. Just a 40 minute drive North of downtown Seattle, this bedroom community boasts plenty of natural beauty. This is exactly the kind of destination we needed after weeks of following our state’s Stay at Home orders.

The stretch of highway SR 525 leading to our afternoon’s final destination is also called The Mukilteo Speedway – a perfect name, for this group of Volvo driving enthusiasts. Our polished and shined up Volvos proved themselves to be up to the challenge. Style, sporty manners and rugged reliability make these classic cars both practical to own and fun to drive.

The morning started with several of our club members gathering in North Seattle for coffee. Then Northward they drove to meet up with the remaining four members in Edmonds. With lunches packed we snaked our way through the twisty back roads to our final destination.

With the brilliant warm sun over head we ate lunch and watched the Ferry boats coming and going. Restored Volvos are always a crowd-pleaser. People passing by stopped to ask questions, take photos and make admiring comments.

The following club members joined us on this drive:
Gary Ramstad / 1962 red PV544. Mike Deskins / 1967 Dark Green 1800S. Walt Tartar / 1953 PV444. Eric Anton / 1967 1800S. Dave Smith / 1967 1800S. Dick Libby / 1964 PV544. Dale Ridings / Red 1965 1800S

Story and Photo by Dale Ridings